Top lakes in Asia, Seven Mountains Lake

Sumatra Island still save a lot of tourist sites and no doubt hidden beauty. One of them is Seven Mountain Lake in Jambi Province, precisely in Kerinci district.

This lake is part of the National Park Kerinci Seblat, and the highest Caldera lake is the highest lake in Southeast Asia. The height of this lake reaches 1950 meters.
Named Seven Mountain Lake because there are seven mountain peaks that surround it, among other things, that Kerinci Mount, Upper Tebo Mount (2525 m asl), Hulu Sangir Mount (2330 meters above sea level), Mandura Iron Mountain (2418 m asl), Basil Mount (2,230 m asl), Jar Bake Mount (2469 meters above sea level), and Seven Mount (2732 m asl) is the highest peak.

Natural conditions of Seven Mountains Lakes are still very natural because dense unspoiled tourist visits. Natural atmosphere here is so soothing with beautiful panorama and natural lake water was so clear. At some point in the lake, there are membentar resemble sand beach, home to tourist camp while waiting for sunrise.

In around of Seven Mountain Lake is living different types of flora and fauna typical of Sumatra, such as Sumatran tigers, gibbons, sun bears, many species of birds are also a variety of orchid species and semar bag. Not far from the lake, there are other natural scenery can also be enjoyed, namely Mount Seven Falls, with a height of 100 meters.

To achieve the Seven Mountain Lakes, can be initiated from Jambi City to River City for 10 hours with full public transport, then go to the Pelompek village 50 kilometers and takes about 1.5 hours. From Pelompek village to Seven Mountain Lake only need to walk for 2.5 hours.

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