More than 2000 Spikes lives in the body Supiyati

Supiyati residents Seropan 1 Muntuk Dlingo Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia, had to undergo surgery at the Nur Hidayah Hospital Pleret Bantul strange illness. On the left and right legs of women 25 years appeared dozens of rods nails, wire, safety pins and hair.

Initially, Supiyati suddenly collapsed while in the middle of his wedding 2011. He just woke up on day 31. A few days after the sober, appear as red blotches burned and slowly beginning to look a strange objects in the skin.

Medical treatments ever done a family in Sumatra. But then, the doctors who deal only give anti-tetanus vaccine alone. Seeing things beyond human logic sense, the family finally decided to take Supiyati to alternative medicine. As a result, 2,000 nails, pin and wire successfully removed from the body of a woman 25 years.

Every time they put out, the things that always comes up again as re-stocked. According to the paranormal, she should be brought to the Java island that items can not be sent back into the body. The family eventually decided to bring back Supiyati to Bantul to get proper treatment.

Supiyati himself said she did not know the origin of the strange objects that could be bodies. She just felt his body high heat when things will come back to him.

Seeing the situation, the family finally brought Supiyati to the Nur Hidayah hospital Plerat Bantul to immediately get medical treatment.

"Some of the nails, pins, and hair successfully removed from my left calf on Tuesday (09/25/2012) yesterday through minor surgery. After conducting medical scans RS Nur Hidayah team doctors will re-do surgery again today Wednesday (26/10) at 21:00, "said Supiyati.

Every effort will be made by the family to Supiyati can return to normal life. Families expecting a major surgery performed later that night, the doctors could have raised all the strange objects in  Supiyati's left and right legs.

Families can only surrender and continue to pray for operations tonight can run smoothly. The plan would raise all the team doctor strange objects that exist in both legs of Supiyati tonight.

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