Blood Lakes in Inland of Bengkulu Indonesia

This lake had horrendous local residents because of its unusual. Yes, Pagaralam Lake have red blood.

Pagaralam lake situated around the hills of Raje Mandare, the border between the Pagaralam City and Kaur, Bengkulu province. The uniqueness of this lake because the water surface as red as blood.

Lake was discovered by local residents in 2010, when a group of people on an expedition into the forest and Rimbacandi hills. Surprisingly, although outside the red  color as blood, when the water is removed as usual. At night this lake location aromatic pandan.

In this place there are endangered species such as the giant centipede measuring 30 cm wide and 50 cm long, giant birds, and buffalo ears filled with honeycomb. And more amazingly, the average tame animals in this place.

To get to this place, it would take less than 1 day trip from the city center. Because the path to its location is still not touched by the hand of government.

Top lakes in Asia, Seven Mountains Lake

Sumatra Island still save a lot of tourist sites and no doubt hidden beauty. One of them is Seven Mountain Lake in Jambi Province, precisely in Kerinci district.

This lake is part of the National Park Kerinci Seblat, and the highest Caldera lake is the highest lake in Southeast Asia. The height of this lake reaches 1950 meters.
Named Seven Mountain Lake because there are seven mountain peaks that surround it, among other things, that Kerinci Mount, Upper Tebo Mount (2525 m asl), Hulu Sangir Mount (2330 meters above sea level), Mandura Iron Mountain (2418 m asl), Basil Mount (2,230 m asl), Jar Bake Mount (2469 meters above sea level), and Seven Mount (2732 m asl) is the highest peak.

Natural conditions of Seven Mountains Lakes are still very natural because dense unspoiled tourist visits. Natural atmosphere here is so soothing with beautiful panorama and natural lake water was so clear. At some point in the lake, there are membentar resemble sand beach, home to tourist camp while waiting for sunrise.

In around of Seven Mountain Lake is living different types of flora and fauna typical of Sumatra, such as Sumatran tigers, gibbons, sun bears, many species of birds are also a variety of orchid species and semar bag. Not far from the lake, there are other natural scenery can also be enjoyed, namely Mount Seven Falls, with a height of 100 meters.

To achieve the Seven Mountain Lakes, can be initiated from Jambi City to River City for 10 hours with full public transport, then go to the Pelompek village 50 kilometers and takes about 1.5 hours. From Pelompek village to Seven Mountain Lake only need to walk for 2.5 hours.

More than 2000 Spikes lives in the body Supiyati

Supiyati residents Seropan 1 Muntuk Dlingo Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta Indonesia, had to undergo surgery at the Nur Hidayah Hospital Pleret Bantul strange illness. On the left and right legs of women 25 years appeared dozens of rods nails, wire, safety pins and hair.

Initially, Supiyati suddenly collapsed while in the middle of his wedding 2011. He just woke up on day 31. A few days after the sober, appear as red blotches burned and slowly beginning to look a strange objects in the skin.

Medical treatments ever done a family in Sumatra. But then, the doctors who deal only give anti-tetanus vaccine alone. Seeing things beyond human logic sense, the family finally decided to take Supiyati to alternative medicine. As a result, 2,000 nails, pin and wire successfully removed from the body of a woman 25 years.

Every time they put out, the things that always comes up again as re-stocked. According to the paranormal, she should be brought to the Java island that items can not be sent back into the body. The family eventually decided to bring back Supiyati to Bantul to get proper treatment.

Supiyati himself said she did not know the origin of the strange objects that could be bodies. She just felt his body high heat when things will come back to him.

Seeing the situation, the family finally brought Supiyati to the Nur Hidayah hospital Plerat Bantul to immediately get medical treatment.

"Some of the nails, pins, and hair successfully removed from my left calf on Tuesday (09/25/2012) yesterday through minor surgery. After conducting medical scans RS Nur Hidayah team doctors will re-do surgery again today Wednesday (26/10) at 21:00, "said Supiyati.

Every effort will be made by the family to Supiyati can return to normal life. Families expecting a major surgery performed later that night, the doctors could have raised all the strange objects in  Supiyati's left and right legs.

Families can only surrender and continue to pray for operations tonight can run smoothly. The plan would raise all the team doctor strange objects that exist in both legs of Supiyati tonight.

Adopt Son In Law Tradition of Japanese Style

Osamu Suzuki--Reuters/Kim Kyung-Hoon/vg

Japan is the country's second-highest in the world in terms of adoption, an average of more than 80,000 cases per year, however the target of adoption are not children, but adult males ages 20-30s.

"Historically, cases of this kind occur more frequently in families in Western Japan where the businessman's family tried to find a figure who is considered to be most suitable as a successor." said Mariko Fujiwara, a sociologist at the Hakuhodo Institute of Life.

"If there are no boys deemed fit to carry on the family line and, then figure the busnis of it can be found with married daughters with daughter-in-law a reliable business to take care of." said Fujiwara.

"Indeed a very pragmatic way in order to maintain the continuity of family business." he explained.

A model adoption like this even today, most of the japanese companies including a giant industrial known the world, regarded as family company. Including such as toyota and suzuki, car manufacturers a maker of the camera caƱon and companies, a specialist sauce and soy sauce, kikkoman.

Suzuki, for example, several times under the control of an adopted child. Current supreme leader Suzuki, Osamu Suzuki, is the adopted son was the fourth in the history of the company.

"Family business carried on by son-in-law usually precisely much better growth than if run by the boys themselves," said Yasuaki Kinoshita, an analyst at fund management company Nissay Asset Management, a lot of investing in Japanese companies.

"When investing in a family firm on the stock exchange, the negative side there is the matter of the company's corporate governance and succession of managers."

In Matsui Securities, a old securities firm in Japan, current chairman Michio Matsui also adopted despite the consequences must abandon his own family name.

"I am the eldest son in our family (the original), so I was a little hesitant to be adopted children of other families," Matsui told. "But my biological parents said maybe it's already become my way of life."

The importance of continuing the lineage and maintain business continuity makes Chieko Date open matchmaking site where prospective husband should be willing to be adopted by his wife family in future.

"Its market share is clear because the birth rate in Japan is very low and a lot of parents who just had a daughter."

"While there are many men who are looking for opportunities to utilize their business skills without status as an employee of the company because in the current climate, looking for a promotion to be more difficult," said Date.

Tanaka Tsunomaru register at the site last November.

He admitted that he had managed to build a successful business, but then the business taken over by his wife who was also his business partner.

Now he hoped no one would adopt him so he could return falls to manage the family business.

"It does not matter because I rename it simply calls the name given by the government for the affairs of the family card," he explained.

"I believe my skills can be very valuable and there are opportunities separately inherit a family business and raise it, so it will benefit all parties."

Tanaka had met six women through dating event but have not found the figure sought.

"I am looking for information about the family owned company of these women," she admitted. "I did not marry his company but anyway I want to know, too."


Only in Indonesia, Police Raids Shorts Pants

The emergence of police photos admonish the young women who wear shorts reap the objections of the National Commission for Women. Tangerang Police have commented that they were admonished to avoid acts of pornography and the things that are not desirable.

"Should these words not out of the state apparatus." Said Vice Chairman of the National Commission for Women Masruchah when asked his opinion regarding the incident in Jakarta, such as the written page, today.

Masruchah revealed that the police as public protector should be positioning itself as a safety, rather than banning, and said as if adolescents can be the cause of acts of pornography.
According to him, in the context of freedom of expression should be no restrictions on how women should dress.

"If playing ban on the grounds could invite lust, the police threw the same responsibilities to women." She added.

Polite or not dressed according to certain categories of context is a matter of convenience. Women should be free to dress according to their convenience.

Masruchah said that sexual crimes can happen anywhere and to anyone, even in a dress covered.

"It's a matter of perspective yes. Sexuality is not there in body but in mind. If there are cases of sexual crimes, women are blamed for being invited." She said.

Awareness should be given to the perpetrators. This is important because moral issues are the responsibility of the whole community and of course driven by the government.

Changing the mindset of looking at women's sexuality as a trigger for sexual crimes would be abolished.

"If you wear shorts just banned, can-can then women are prohibited from watching the ball and the old-old women can be forbidden to leave the house." said Masruchah.


Do not Touch My baby! And, Orangutan Mother Hugging Her Son Closely

Surrounded by hunters with knives and sharp weapons are ready to unsheathe, orangutans have no power other than trying to protect child be loved . This was experienced by two orangutans, mother and child, when faced with the hunters who had been trapped and ready to kill them.

Amid death threats, the maternal instinct makes the mother clutching her child. Luckily, there is a group of British animal protection group that save lives of both. Apparently, the mother orangutan is also being pregnant. If you have a few minutes, the story is certain to be different.

Imagine, if the hunter had killed them, three orangutans lives lost. And, increasingly langkalah orangutans in this country.


Striptease Dance Contest for Mayor Position
Mayor  including Prestigious positions. The process is usually not easy and the candidate was not haphazard. But in a town in Italy really excited. Candidates are not "arbitrary". They are two porn stars who turned out to also sign up to be mayor.

Two exciting actress that will be faced in openly erotic dance contest, as part of the competition scrambling to civic leaders in Tranto, Italy. Amandha Fox and Luana Borgia, the two competitors, it also mobilized their supporters.

The supporters of the two porn stars that night organizing striptease dance next month. There, local voters can see what is offered the girls.

"We want to be fair, so we will invite all the candidates come and dance as well," said Mimmo Pavese, a member of the organizing committee, told local media last Thursday.

The event was greeted enthusiastically by both candidates. Miss Fox, who never made a sexy calendar, adding confidently, "I want the voters to see me completely." Wow!


Horror, Divers are Almost Eaten by Shark

This is the most horrible moment for each diver: become shark food. That incident experienced by Russell Easton. Without realizing it, he was very close to the most dangerous animal in the world along 12 feet. ''I'm looking at the camera when suddenly I saw the mouth and teeth are very large.'' said the divers and professional underwater photographers.

Thanks to the camera's, Easton void becomes shark food. Such as hand function in humans, the shark's mouth as a tool to use on the move. ''That's when I managed to shoot pictures of the inside of his mouth. Thankfully, the sharks are very interested in the camera. Opportunity is what I use for escape. That's when I realized that these cameras save my life and I am really lucky.''
